Yesterday was a bad day.
After a long sleepless night (caused by intense humidity and a lack of air conditioning or even a cool soothing breeze) I awoke to discover that I was $67 overdrawn, my refrigerator is broken and a balmy 60 degrees and all my perishables are garbage. Which means, in addition to the $67 overdraft, I have to come up with $45 for the service call. And then theres the cost of food.
So I was on a message board and I posted a severely shortened version of the above information.
One of the replies I got said something like: "On a positive note, compared to 4/5 of the world you are very lucky and rich in comparison."
Because I had food and a refrigerator to put it in...
I DON'T LIVE IN 4/5 OF THE WORLD, I LIVE HERE AND HERE I AM BROKE. And Speaking of that. Although I DID have a refrigerator AND food, I now, in fact have NEITHER.
I understand that there are starving people in the world who would give their eye teeth to LOSE a fraction of what I HAD. Believe me, I do. But, contrary to popular belief, being poor in the "Richest Country On Earth" Still makes you poor. And it still sucks. And, in some ways, it's WORSE because the dividing line between Poor and Not Poor is much less defined.
After all, you can have a car and a house and a job and still not be able to feed yourself or your family. Or, you may still have to budget what you spend on food with very little leeway. Having a refrigerator full of food does not make you rich. Being able to replace that refrigerator full of food at a moments notice, without having to sacrifice something else, does.
When I was in school at
I was on the 7 meal plan at the time. Meaning I got one meal a day from the cafeteria and, the rest of the time, I was on my own. So I had to make it count because I didn't have the money to buy much food outside of what the caf provided.
Enter Hunger Day.
The cafeteria was closed all day and this campus group hosted "Educational" Activities. Loads of information focusing mostly on the third world, completely ignoring the starving in their own country... Hell ON THEIR OWN CAMPUS. After all, if you can afford to be at
Yeah, but that poor guy in New
But I digress.
Hunger Day was almost 20 years ago and I am still resentful. See, I HAVE been hungry and I have been poor. (which is one of the reasons this loss of good and nutritious food really hurts me). And I WAS hungry and poor at the time of the event. I didn't even have change for the vending machines, much less lunch in town.
At the time I could not articulate my resentment. I couldn't put my finger on what was bothering me. This was due, In part, to my buying into the propaganda of "I'm an American and that automatically makes me rich so I don't have the right to complain if I have to do without. We're so much better off than those poor people over there."
Now I can.
HOW DARE YOU presume to teach me a lesson about poverty when I live in poverty every day!
HOW DARE YOU presume to teach me about hunger by denying me my one meal of the day, thereby denying me the right to choose whether or not I wanted to participate.
HOW DARE YOU refuse to acknowledge that hunger was NOT a break from routine but a GRIM REALITY for some people on that campus.
HOW DARE YOU presume that I don't have the right to complain about being hungry.
So yeah. My perishables are gone, my fridge is broken and I have to fix this problem post haste.
Five years from now, that refrigerator of food won't matter (It doesn't - 05/2010). But, right now, it's an unpleasant and unwelcome setback and it's money that really should be going somewhere else.
Will I recover? Sure. Because I HAVE to.
Is it the end of the world? No.
Am I better off than some. Yes.
But I really wish people would shut the hell up about how "rich" I am by default because of where I live and what I have, (or what they THINK I have). Especially when they have no Idea how hard I have to work to get it or what I would have to do without to get it back.
Bourgeois kids in America judge the downtrodden in a reverse hierarchy. The worse off they are, the more guilty they feel, and the more they want to aid their "struggle." The other part is that domestically downtrodden Americans might kick their ass. The two things make them VERY uncomfortable going to The Hood, or a trailer park.
ReplyDeleteI grew up with a Mom who as she got more education, got more bourgeois. We started with USDA brand food, moved up to Hamburger Helper and peaked with Pepperidge Farm microwave food. Oddly, the better she did finanicially, and the nicer our house, the shittier our neighbors got.
I'm cool with irony but not hypocrisy. Probably why I went to Bard, hated it, and when they kicked me out, did entry level jobs and then pissed off to Wayne State. The education SUCKED, but the company made me feel at home...
I didn't realize what a big deal money was until my husband recently got a promotion to CEO. Now several people seem to assume we have an endless stash of cash. People can act pretty rude and jealous and petty. What most people don't know is that the both of us are battling demons from our childhood. Most people don't know that I've been struggling with chronic illness my whole life that stems from severe trauma from my childhood. I don't tell many people b/c they always ask why I am sick or what it is... and I've noticed over the years as my emotional life gets better my health does. I don't want to tell virtual strangers my life story and I also don't want to be gossiping about my family who aren't the most savory characters and I don't want to put my safety in jeopardy. My health issues keep us from having children as well. The old addage health is wealth really means something. Western medicine doesn't help me but eastern wholistic does. Even with my hubby's very decent paycheck we can't afford all the treatments I need. But on the outside people think we can judge us... make comments like, do you buy fiji water now? did you buy the whole store? Most people I do talk to about my past don't really get it. I think unless you've been raised in such a situation you don't understand how your own kin can be so horrible to you. So yah... appearances aren't always what they seem. I'm in constant pain.