Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm a BAD, BAD Host!

See, this is my problem. I go and invite people to read my blog, I get off to a decent start, then bupkis.

I get distracted or, worse, I get bored with the subject.

Law of Attraction, FEH!

I just have to admit to myself that staying on one topic is like eating the same meal all day, every day. Damned near impossible.

I have a lot to say, it's just that most of it is about nothing. Or, most of it is about me. And, well, who cares?

Seriously. I mean, I don't even think I care.

Anyway, this damned thing is sitting here and I really need to give it a little more love than I have been.

Especially since I bothered to invite you all along.